We've been making it a point to read to Oliver pretty much since he was born. Nate even brought me a book to read to Ollie when we were still in the hospital - Oh the Thinks You Can Think by Dr. Seuss. We would kind of read to him when he was a newborn, but we started making it part of his bedtime routine by the time he was about 3 1/2 to 4 months old. It's been fun watching him actually start being interested in the books - he'll let you know if he doesn't like a book you're reading, he'll try to close it or he'll whine. But if he sits still or even starts to giggle when you open up the book, you know you have a winner.
He mostly loves his board books because he can grab them and help turn pages and well, chew on them and stuff. I thought for fun I'd share a Friday Five of his favorite books. One of these is a new to us book, the others have been on repeat for quite awhile now!
He loves all the Sandra Boynton books for the most part, but his favorites right now seem to be The Belly Button Book and Moo, Baa, La La La. He has enjoyed Barnyard Dance too and many nights we read the Going to Bed Book as the last book of the night.
I find it almost funny that he'll actually sit still for Hop On Pop - it can be a long book, but I think he just loves all the words in it. It's fairly fast pace too, which is kind of another requirement in his books. He doesn't like it if we're not turning the pages very fast!
Another Dr. Seuss favorite of his is Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Again, lots of silly sounding words and it's a pretty quick read. The copy we have is a board book too that is nice and small, so he can grab it pretty easily.
Finally, we have The Pout Pout Fish. I think I've talked about this book on the blog before. We tend to read this one to him on days he is a little on the cranky side, but it often works to cheer him up. Spoiler alert - the fish does get happy at the end!
Overall we find he really does like stories that are engaging, a little faster pace, lots of color and fun words. There are others I didn't mention like Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Goodnight Moon that have been favorites for awhile now. He really loves the Curious George cartoon on TV and we now have a bedtime book based with George that he seems to like. And again, you can't go wrong with Sandra Boynton. I'm just so happy he enjoys being read to and flipping through his books - we hope that means he will be a good reader eventually!
Any moms care to share your kids favorite stories? We could use another Christmas gift or two!

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