My new mantra
My word for 2014 was "simplify." And I think I accomplished that in many ways - and I could have done better at times, but I think I did pretty well overall.
For 2015, I am not making goals or resolutions. That's not really my thing. I'm also not really choosing a word so much as I'm choosing a phrase. I know we're all sooooo sick of the Frozen craze, but I can't help it - my mantra is going to be "Let It Go." And now you all have that song stuck in your heads and I'm so very sorry.
I realize that song is about Elsa discovering her power and choosing to let it out - but there are various lyrics in that song that I feel sort of apply to my life at the moment.
"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it in anymore. Let it go, let it go,
turn away and slam the door."
I've alluded to something on the blog a few times this year about a relationship I've been struggling with this year. I wouldn't say that this person is all to blame for what took place between us, I take some responsibility too - but in the end, I've been hurt, I've been sad for what we've lost and it's really been difficult to get over it. Just when I think I'm there something happens and I'm back where I was. And I'm tired of it. I just want to let it go and move on.
"I don't care, what they're going to say, let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway" (metaphorically anyway - real cold sure does, lol)
And that brings me back to what I said on my birthday - the biggest gift I gave myself this year was self acceptance. And that means I need to stop worrying about what others think of me. I am happy with myself, I am happy with where I am and that should be all that matters. I have a husband and a son who love me. I have supportive family and friends and that is where I need to focus my energy. I don't need to waste time on people who just want to bring me down.
"And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast, I'm never going back, the past is in the past."
I realize it sounds like this one issue I dealt with was all consuming this year. It wasn't. You saw in my year in review yesterday that I had a great year overall. I want to just look back on the good moments and put the yucky ones behind me. The past is in the past. We're moving on.
"Let it go, let it go, and I'll rise with the break of dawn. Let it go, let it go. That perfect girl is gone. Here I stand, in the light of day. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway."
I'm rising above it. I'm letting it go. I also know I'm not perfect. I am also a woman - thank you hormones - there may still be moments that I might get drug back down, but I'm going to try to repeat my mantra - let it go. Let the storm rage on. I won't let the cold bother me this time.
I wish you all a wonderful and peace filled New Year and I wish everyone only good things in 2015! I know I am excited for things to come! I have said it a lot these last couple of weeks, but thank you again for coming here, sharing in my world, reading my crazy rambles and thoughts. I appreciate every single one of you!

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