This week for Thrift Style Thursday, Martyna of Spoolish challenged us to create a look that rivals those on the runway and thrift something that is trending this spring. Well, let me tell you, I had to do some research because I'm not up on the current trends as much as I pretend to be. I even bought actual magazines you guys, this is a big deal, I never do that anymore! In this month's issue of Redbook, there were some outfits put together with just a few key pieces in your closet, one being floral with stripes. And then in this month's issue of Lucky, there was an article about a basic red/navy striped t-shirt being a good item to have in your closet. I saw this shirt at the Goodwill and decided to start my "trendy" outfit with this t-shirt as the base.
I pulled out one of my oldest maxi dresses at this point and decided the "stripes with floral" would be how I would style this for today. The magazines also both talked about floral scarves still being popular this year, so I added that. I also noticed that metallics are still in fashion, so I added my favorite Stella and Dot bag.
And then both magazines also talked about denim at length - so I decided since it was chilly this morning I would add a denim jacket as well.