Well, what a whirlwind few days it has been! I'm so thankful to not have to be at work today so I can recover from all the celebrating! It was a great Christmas. I wanted to share a couple of outfits from my celebrations. First up, Christmas Eve.
Sweater - Hill Valley Vintage
T-shirt and jeans - Old Navy
Necklace - gift
Shoes - SO, thrifted
Christmas Eve morning, the Pants Monkey and I went and had brunch together at Hell's Kitchen in Minneapolis. It was darn cold, but I wanted to wear my festive Christmas Kermit shirt, so my vintage red sweater was the perfect choice to stay warm! We had a great brunch, came home and exchanged our gifts to each other. I was very excited to receive the cat sweater I wanted from ModCloth and a fantastic infinity scarf! You'll see them here soon.
We then had the afternoon to relax for a bit, then we made some creamed spinach to take over to my in-laws to add to the meal they prepared. We had a wonderful celebration with them - so much food! There was roast pork, our creamed spinach, mashed potatoes, and many, MANY cookies for dessert. We sat by our annual double fire (real one and Yule Log on TV) and then opened our gifts. His family is the sweetest - I got a nice sweater from my sister-in-law (in next photo) and the most adorable purse from his parents.
Sweater - Gap (gift)
Jeans - Gap (thrifted)
Boots - Mossimo, Target
We had to get to bed early on Christmas Eve so we could get up early on Christmas Day to go to do an early Mass with our music group. I did not photograph my outfit - I wore a really pretty dress from Shabby Apple, but it's a little too big, so I want to take it in to be altered before I wear it again. I am thinking maybe it'll be my Valentine's Day outfit this year so maybe you'll see it then! After church we came home to change and I wore my new sweater since it was super warm and comfy!

We went to my parents house and exchanged gifts with them. As usual they spoiled us, I have a few new pretty things to wear and you'll see them all on the blog soon, likely after I go back to work. Mr. Monkey made out quite well too, he needed clothes that fit and he sure got them! He's going to be one styling dude if I do say so myself! We stopped back at home for a brief rest then headed out to my aunt's house to have dinner with some extended family on my mom's side. After that we were able to stop at Mr. Monkey's grandmother's house for a brief visit with some of his extended family as well.
So it was definitely a full couple of days, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. You can see why I like getting a little extra time off from work at this time of year though! Today I'm relaxing a bit and then meeting a good friend for thrift shopping and lunch. Tomorrow I have to take my car in for an oil change and to check an oil leak. Friday I'm meeting a couple of other friends for coffee that are also off of work. And then Mr. Monkey will be home again for a long New Year's weekend, so I'm looking forward to adventuring with him this weekend too!
I hope you all had a great Christmas weekend if you celebrate! I will be making my way around to your blogs, I promise!