Tuesday Thoughts....
Or I could title this "Deep Thoughts by Bethie the Boo" (Old school SNL anyone?) Well, really this is just a phone it in type post because I have an early morning physical and this is all I can really come up with today!
~I am addicted to Boom Chicka Pop in Salted Caramel. I am not usually a caramel fan, but then Nate got this awesome caramel popcorn from his co-worker's son back before Christmas and we have long since run out and I've been missing it so I thought I'd see how this stuff is. It's good. Too good. We'll leave it at that.
~I'm in denial that Parenthood is truly ending on Thursday. I haven't been this emotionally vested in a show and it's ending since Friends ended. I just don't even want to talk about it. It's inevitable though and life will go on! (My friend Samara wrote a little article for our local paper here that I think sums up why fans feel the way they do about this show.)
~I'm a pretty big Neil Patrick Harris fan and have been since his "Doogie" days (can we say first crush? Yeah, I just said that) but I have to say, I'm mildly disappointed in his book so far. The Choose Your Own Adventure concept seems fun but I'm finding I get confused, even using a bookmark, when I stop reading at night and try to pick it up the next day.
~I put nail polish on last week for the first time in months and I remember why I kind of stopped wearing it now. It has nothing to do with Oliver. I am horrible about taking it off. Chipped nail polish is totally on trend right?
~I downloaded the Stylebook app and I'm super excited to try it out, but the concept of photographing all my clothes seems very daunting right now. Probably necessary because it'll force me to get rid of stuff but yeah. Maybe I can pay someone to do that for me?
~Speaking of tasks that seem daunting, my Christmas tree is still up in my basement and it feels like a huge chore to take it down. The ornaments are off, it's just a lighted tree. This is the latest I have ever left it up. Ever. I was joking with Nate, we could just decorate for all holidays, why not? Valentine's Day Tree, here we come. (Or I'll take it down before his parents come over to watch the Super Bowl with us this weekend. But I can dream!)
~And finally I want to wish a very happy birthday to Sara from Writing with Bangles today - she's been a wonderful supporter of my blog since I met her last year and we've met up once in real life recently and hopefully it wasn't for the last time! She's a great friend and has wonderful and witty posts. Check out her thoughts on aging here and wish her a happy birthday while you're at it!
And there you have it. A look inside my mind, which can be a very scary place, but it wasn't so bad today right? Right? Is this thing on?

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