Monday, January 12, 2015

Inspiration Monday - Momiform

Happy Monday friends!  Today I'm participating in two birds' Inspiration Monday because as soon as I saw their choice for the week from Kristen Stewart here, I knew I could easily do this one.  Because let's face it, this is kind of a good example of a "Mom uniform" or "Momiform" as I've decided to call it. 

Flannel, sweater and jeans?  Check, check, check.  Easy peasy.  This is probably even more than I'd normally even do on a weekend, some weekends I never make it out of my yoga pants and sweatshirt, let's face it.  But I had a good reason to get dressed on Saturday, we decided to take Oliver to an indoor playground and out to lunch, so I figured more of an effort was probably a good thing.

And of course I took these pictures rather quickly on my cell phone again.  I am so not happy with the quality it's producing lately.  It's really time to look at that.  But anyway, you get the general idea I think! I was warm and cozy to go to the indoor playground and that's what mattered!

Sweater - Mossimo (Target), Flannel - thrifted
Jeans - American Eagle (thrifted), Shoes - from mom 

Once we got to the playground I realized I was dressed up more than just about any of the other moms - and I don't even consider this dressed up!  Let's just say I could have stayed in those yoga pants and been in good company.  No judgement here though!  I get it.  But hey, at least I was dressed cute for lunch!

For more Inspiration Monday outfits (and probably better pictures than mine) head over to two birds over here.

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