Happy April and Happy Spring! No April Fools here. I hate April Fools Day to be perfectly honest! Instead, I'm here with my favorite link up of the month, Currently with Anne of In Residence and Jenna from Dearest Love! Here are some current happenings in my world!
--Currently I am--
Wearing - So I have worn a variation of this first outfit on the blog before, but I love these jeans and this sweater from Target pretty hardcore. This was what I wore to a baby shower for my cousin the other day. If it's a weekend, I'm pretty much guaranteed to be in something like this.
Sweater and jeans - Target
Bag and necklace - Stella and Dot
shoes from friend
Otherwise I'm wearing all the spring colors now that it's spring. These next two looks are looks I pulled together for the Pinned It Spinned It challenge I follow on Instagram. I have so much fun remixing the looks that the two gals who put it together choose!
Dress - Mossimo (Target), Jacket - F21 (two birds garage sale)
Leggings, shoes, scarf - Target,
bracelets - S&D and Ollie's birthstone (gift from my clinic)
Sweater - Mossimo (Target), Skirt - LOFT (thrifted)
Bag - Coach Outlet, Shoes - DSW
Necklace - S&D
Sipping - At this very moment? My coffee. In my awesome giant purple travel mug. If it was happy hour I'd probably be sipping a beer - likely an IPA, so many good fresh hopped ones come out in the spring! Or I'd love to be sipping a margarita. Or this new concoction Nate made us one night that has lime juice, gin and mint liquor. It's rather refreshing. Is it 5:00 yet? No? Ok. Coffee it is.

Wishlisting - I have a couple of items I'd like to add to my closet for spring and summer. I still would like to find a pair of white jeans even if I think that's crazy talk because I'm messy and I have a toddler at home. I also would love a pleated pale pink skirt. I am trying to decide if the gaucho pants craze is for me. I tried on two pairs at Target and was not impressed, so I'm thinking maybe not. But some more pixie pants from Old Navy in spring colors would be fantastic! I'd also like to replace my boyfriend jeans because the pair I had are just no good anymore. I'm also looking for a nice emerald green cardigan.
Writing - Besides this blog post, not much! Some to do lists I suppose and if writing stuff in Ollie's scrapbook counts I suppose there's that, although I haven't done as much work on that lately either.
Exploring - Now that it's been nice out we're trying to explore more outdoor things again. We've been to the Como Zoo in St. Paul a number of times now but I'd really like to take Ollie to the MN Zoo which is a lot bigger. They have a Farm Baby exhibit during April, so it might be fun to go see that. I also just read that our Landscape Arboretum is getting a Lego sculpture exhibit in May - we saw one in St. Louis last summer and it was awesome, so we will definitely be going to check this one out too!
And that's about it for now! We're definitely keeping busy and enjoying the sunshine and nice weather whenever we can! What are you currently up to?

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