The day after the first snowfall calls for a sparkly fun top. I love this sweater I thrifted back in September. I knew it would be a favorite for the coming winter - especially for the holidays! It's also warm and cozy, so you really can't beat that!
Sweater - Gap (thrifted), Leggings - Simply Vera (Kohls)
Boots - Target, Necklace - Stella and Dot
Bag - Tignanello (thrifted)
Of course the snow made it a little difficult to take pictures outside, so cell phone selfies had to do for today! I also talked last week about how I really have moved to preferring crossbody bags lately, but I still really love this silvery, shimmery shoulder bag I thrifted this summer too. It just seemed to fit with my outfit and just made me think sparkle and snow. Now that it seems to be done falling too, I don't even mind the snow that much. That doesn't mean I'm jumping into Christmas prep quite yet, but I think I've accepted winter. I said it last year a lot - I do choose to live here after all!

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