Well then. We woke up to our first blanket of snow for the season today and my morning was a wee bit hectic so I'm kind of phoning it in with my blog post today and giving you a weekend recap in pictures for today because my brain is lacking in bringing you anything of much more substance than that!
It was a pretty decent weekend I must say. Friday night we had rehearsal with our music group and then went to a surprise birthday party for a friend at a restaurant I've wanted to go to for years now located in the Uptown area of Minneapolis called Chino Latino. We missed out on surprising my friend, but we still were able to hang out, have a drink and nosh on some food. Probably too much food. We ordered this thing called the Cuban Pork Crisis. Holy pork.
The things on the side are fried plantains and then you kind of dip them in the pork. It was so good - there was also rice, beans, a slaw and my favorite ever - deep fried banana. SOOOO tasty. We also ordered margaritas because Friday. And we had a babysitter. So it was date night too even if we shared it with some friends! If you look closely on the side of my glass, there is this adorable plastic deer on the side. I pocketed him to take home with me, though I'll have to make sure I keep it away from Ollie!
Saturday morning was chilly, but we still bundled up and went and disc golfed - looking at the weather today and beyond today I'm glad we went as I think that may have been the last time for the year, sad panda. After we were done and Ollie had his morning nap, we decided it was time. It was time for Ollie's first hair cut. It was just getting so long and getting in his eyes and he was getting food in it all the time at mealtimes, so we just had to do it. So I fed him lunch and Nate did the deed and I think it turned out pretty good even if it turned him into a little boy before our eyes! Tears were shed, I won't say if they were from Ollie or from mom though! I must say though he is looking pretty dapper now!
I had a delicious Irish coffee - one of the only times of day I'll really have an Irish coffee is for a late Sunday brunch. I also had to take a picture of these cute little teaser plates we started with because little food is so adorable. I forgot to take a picture of the main course, but we were also too busy eating it when it showed up!

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