Megan of Traverse suggested our Thrift Style Thursday theme this week to be America the Beautiful in honor of the July 4th holiday (or Canadian Pride for our Canada ladies!) so it was pretty much a given to me that my outfit would be red, white and blue and have an Americana feel to it!
I knew right away I'd be wearing this dress I thrifted a few years ago. It's been a favorite of mine for awhile now, Nate always compliments me when I wear it! I even managed to wear this one when I was pregnant too, so it's a pretty great dress all around! I decided to pair it with this fun top my sweet Instagram buddy sent me, I thought it matched pretty well! And I'm not real "Stars and Stripes" crazy or into a lot of patriotic flag wear for the July 4th holiday, so this type of look is a little more appealing to me. And then I finished it out with my favorite Stella and Dot bag, because of there was ever a great bag for an Americana themed outfit, this bag would be it!
We keep things pretty low key for the 4th of July, especially when it falls on a weekend like this. I don't even get a day off sadly, though I may end up taking a half day on Friday. On the actual holiday I think we'll go disc golf in the morning like we would any other weekend and then after Oliver's nap in the afternoon we'll be going to my parents for a picnic. I'm doubting Ollie will make it to fireworks again this year, but you never know.
Shirt - Old Navy (From friend), Dress - Unknown (Thrifted)
Sandals - Target, Bag - Stella and Dot (ThredUp)

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