I focused mostly on cardigans, but I also found a couple of regular shirts and then as I've said many times before, I'm often on the quest for the perfect jeans and even more so now that I'm trying to wear jeans that aren't two sizes too big. I couldn't decide between these two - one pair is Mossimo brand from Target and the other is a pair of good old Levi's. Since they were cheap enough I decided I'd just get them both.
Next up is a shirt I fell in love with. I'm such a sucker for lace and girly things, so when I saw this shirt from Express I decided I needed it. I should have photographed the back of it too, the lace goes all the way down - which means I'll need a tank top or cami on with this, but it'll be a nice piece for spring and summer with jeans or a skirt.
I love my patterns and I especially love plaid. I know the colors in this next shirt are a bit more Fall like, but I just couldn't resist it - and it's also J Crew. Finding J Crew at the thrift store is finding gold.
I have to laugh at these next two. I only intended to buy one of them, but the other one accidentally was still in my cart when I went to check out and I didn't even realize it until the cashier had literally rang it through. It's not a big deal, they're just a similar color scheme, but it is one of my favorites for Spring - mint - so hey, the more the merrier I guess!
And next is an item that wasn't on my list but I couldn't help myself - this Merona black purse. I have always struggled with finding a black purse I actually like, and I may even still be on the fence on this one, but I will say this is nice and light to carry, it has a crossbody strap and it can be zipped down on the sides for more room, so it's kind of neat. I'll give it a good try anyway. I don't know why I have such a hard time finding a black purse that I love.
And this last item I am in love with too, it's a little more "wintery" feeling but I hope to get some good wears out of it before it warms up too much. I have been looking for a shirt like this for quite a while, so I was excited to find this LOFT sweater and all sweaters were 50% off that day, so I couldn't not bring this one home with me!

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