Liebster Award
Well what a sweet and pleasant thing to be surprised with on a Friday. I was given the Liebster award by a new to me blogger - Neive from The Aussie Osborns. I have received this honor before but it's been a couple of years, so it is fun to be tagged to this again. For those who might be unfamiliar, the Liebster award is a sweet award given from bloggers to other bloggers - the term Liebster has German origins and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, lovely, etc. The rules are simple, when nominated, you are given a list of questions to answer from the blogger who nominated you, you then write a post answering the questions and then spread the love to other bloggers.
So, I'm going to answer Neive's questions today because it always fun to do an all about me type post!
1. How did you decided on the title of your blog? My blog has evolved this year in a big way. When I started this blog, I called it The Fashionable Adventures of Bethie the Boo for three reasons - it was mostly a fashion blog, my childhood nickname growing up was Bethie Boo and the title itself was a play on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. After Oliver was born my blog focus shifted from being just about fashion to also being about daily adventures, parenting, etc. I realized I needed a title change to keep up with that. I tried out one title I didn't like as much earlier this year and then Nate helped me this summer come up with something simple. I blog about my life and I have kind of built up my brand of being "Bethie the Boo" so he said, why don't you just call it "Life with Bethie the Boo."? So simple, but it works! Long answer to a short question!
2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why? Love. I love sharing about my life, I love writing, I love meeting new people and sharing in their lives as well. So the word "love" is the best choice I can come up with!
3. What is your favorite pastime other than blogging? It's a tough choice! I like playing disc golf or brewing beer with Nate. I like taking walks with Oliver. I like watching a good movie and I like reading a good book when I have the chance!
4. What is your favorite aspect of blogging? Meeting new people and making friends - lately I've especially enjoyed making friends with bloggers offline so to speak and and am considering them more than just blog friends - they're friends.
5. Which recipe, project or idea on my blog (Neive's that is) would you like to try most? I'm cheating and stealing Neive's answer actually, she linked to another blogger's recipe for a Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Banana Bread that sounds amazing. Neive, if you try it, let me know if it's good!
6. Where does your blog inspiration come from? Plain and simple my life. My life as a mom, my life as a wife, my life as a daughter, my life as a friend.
7. What is one country in the world you would like to visit? Why? I would love to go to Ireland in memory of my Irish loving grandmother. It is a country that has always fascinated me, I remember writing a report on it when I was in middle school. My sister-in-law just visited there earlier this year and went to the Guinness brewery and a scotch distillery and I think those places would be neat to see. So someday I hope Nate and I can go there.
8. If you have children, what are their names? If not, what are your favorite boy and girl names? Well, most of my readers I think are familiar with my sweet son Oliver Michael. We did consider a couple of other boy names - Gabriel, William and Julian. We were thinking of using a "J" name for a middle name when we settled on Oliver, but then decided the initials of "OJ" were not a great idea. I believe in my heart of hearts we're one and done on having kids (I'll share more about this eventually) so I'm not afraid to share my girls name choice - we would have named a daughter Kaylee Ann.
9. A long lost relative leaves you a large sum of money. What do you do with it?
What wouldn't I do? LOL. I would finish fixing up my house or maybe even buy a bigger one. We'd get Nate a nicer car. We'd do some traveling - especially to Disney World. And my charitable heart would have to donate some to causes that mean something to me as well.
10. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you've written so far? Include a link.
Oh boy. I've been at this blogging thing for three years, so it's really hard to say. I'll pick a couple of favorites. From March 2013 - The Love Story Continues which is the story of how Nate and I got together. From December 2013 - Baby Boo - introducing my sweet boy to the world. From August 2014 - Giving Back a recap of my volunteer experience with some other MN bloggers.
11. What is your favorite food?
Oh man, this is a tough one. I love food. Anything with cheese is a win. I have a weakness for cookies. And bacon. You can never have too much bacon. Bacon makes everything better!
And now to tag some others and share the love! I will be a little lazy and suggest you answer the same questions Neive gave me!
Sara @ Writing with Bangles
Jenn @ Wonderfully Unkempt
Hannah @ Hannah Says
Kristi @ Alligator Toe
Brittany @ Lipstick and Yarn
Shea @ Shea Lennon
Thank you again Neive! I hope you all have a great and safe Halloween! Tune in over the weekend to see our costumes from tonight. I'm so excited to share it with all of you! And can you believe it's November tomorrow? Where is the time going!

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